UX / UI LiveNation Responsive Design + Wire Framing

LiveNation Welcome Page
LiveNation Search Results
Comps for Tablet
LiveNation Welcome Page Comp for Interactive Wall Display
LiveNation Search Results Comp for Interactive Wall Display
Note: This case study was an individual project performed during the Human Computer Interaction course certification taken at University of California, San Diego (UCSD). LiveNation was not a client.

Part 1 - Wire Framing: Selecting a series of tasks from a website of your choice and re-wireframing it for an improved user experience.
Purchasing Tickets for a Show
Searching an Artist and Venue
Part 2 - Responsive Design: Taking two areas from the same site and visually redesigning each for a series of devices. One area must be from a wire frame above. Visual layout look and feel changes but key information, hierarchy and tasks remain.

Comps for Laptop / Desktop

Comps for Phone

Comps for Watch

LiveNation Welcome Page: Concert Stats Comp for Dashboard